

8:51 AM

I have to say, I don't really believe in coincidences- I think that everything happens with a greater purpose in mind. It may be easy to say that, but sometimes not so easy to really feel that those small things in life, especially the hard ones, mean something important. The big things we can look back on and notice how they made such an impact in our lives; but what about the small, everyday things? The things that slip our minds like meeting someone at a shop, watching a movie (or commercials for that matter), having small conversations with people, or even waiting in traffic- and the emotions that we feel because of them.

When you think about it, these moments make up the bulk of our lives. We are given all of these opportunities to consistently grow as people and learn how to work through life. Life has an extremely powerful process, but how we treat that process is what defines who we are.

We breathe in experiences, and exhale reactions; we are formed out of all the things that occur from moment to moment. It's easy to race around from place to place, rushing to get somewhere or do something- and forget to cherish our lives as a whole. It's important for us to not focus on where we will be, and keep our mindset on where we are so that we can truly live life to it's fullest. Every moment is a gift, and it our our job to utilize those gifts.

Following the process of life can be challenging. We may not always have the control we desire. But thinking that we have complete control will only hurt our lives in the long run because not everything will go our way. Even when we are busy and rushing, we can remember to relax, sit back and enjoy the process. Keep in mind that the little things matter. Everything that happens to you is creating who you are and giving you opportunities to make you stronger. Either the universe is working against you, or it is working for you by giving you all of the experiences that you need to create your perfect you. Which side will you see?

xx Hailey

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Header image credit to Kat Spencer