

6:08 PM

We all know that feeling of getting followed… someone watching us without our consent. It is a haunting surge of emotions knowing that anything can happen, any minute. The body and mind start to fear; worrying that something horrible will take place. That’s what she went through.

Moments pass……

She opens her eyes slowly, it’s the only way she can; they’re sore… everything’s sore. As she starts to get up, the cold concrete somehow feels more solid and unsympathetic than it has in the past. She shakily starts makes her way up onto her feet, with no memory of how she got on the ground in the first place. It feels like she’s been through a marathon, and on her neck she can feel the bitter cold hitting her harder than anywhere else on her body- despite the fact that she’s wearing tights. Reaching up to touch the cold spot on her neck, she feels the dried blood.

Listening for her surroundings, all she can hear are birds chirping and leaves making some noises due to the wind. There is nothing around her except an old house and shack across the street.

A thick dread clogs her throat and she feels her stomach sink as she walks toward the house, she feels her breath quicken and her heart race… there’s something she doesn’t want to see behind the house, but, like a robot, she continues walking, growing more terrified with every step. Her heartbeat pounds in her ears as she turns the corner of the house, and then stops as she sees what she was dreading.

It was her own body, cold on the ground.

Disclaimer: No worries guys, I’m fine! This was a fun post I really wanted to do for Halloween, and I hope you all enjoy! :)

xx Hailey


Pea Coat: Marc New York (similar)

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Header image credit to Kat Spencer