

11:29 AM

Okay, quick side note that I can’t believe it’s already New Year’s Eve- I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas filled with lots of love and amazing memories! I kind of wish the holidays would last all year round, but at the same time I have to admit I am looking forward to a slower pace in the coming weeks. Aside from that, the end of the year is my favorite time to reflect, and be grateful for everything I’ve learned and experienced in the last 12 months. I have gained so many memories, new relationships, new skills, new passions, and so much more.

It’s so exciting to look back and see how many new things a year has the possibility of bringing; it gives me so much to look forward to. Even though this year feels like it has gone by insanely quick, when I look back at last January I realize how much I have changed and my surroundings have changed.

Even though not every moment was pure bliss, I get to look back at the last year with happiness, because in hindsight I learned so many incredible things, and I am so grateful for everything that has transpired (even if I didn’t quite feel that way at the time). Time has that splendid superpower of helping us to see what’s important; letting us remember our favorite memories and semi romanticizing the past… assisting us in seeing that life really is beautiful, we just need to make the effort to capture that beauty and appreciate it.

I do really like the thought process behind a New Year’s resolution, showing us that we can achieve anything if we put our mind to it. However, I think that every day has new possibilities. I believe that it’s better to take things one day at a time instead of trying not to mess up for a whole year. Hopefully we can learn to not judge ourselves when we don’t always stick to the plan, but to just keep moving forward. I don’t know about you, but I need my occasional couch + movie + ice cream day to keep me sane.

So here is my favorite outfit choice for New Years Eve- it’s comfortable and festive, perfect for a night like tonight. I love how it is so uncomplicated, yet comes across so much more complex. Just being a fairly simple shirt and skirt, it achieves such a glamorous look. I think that whatever shoes you pair with this would determine how dressy or casual you would like to go. I feel so poised when I wear this outfit, and that’s the most important thing- to feel good in what you wear. I think that the dome shape of the skirt, plus a tight turtleneck is extremely flattering, and a look like this is timeless. Plus, in my book a red lip is always a good idea.

I am so inspired for the New Year, and if I have learned one thing this year it’s that circumstances can change drastically- even if you didn’t think they would. I know that at the beginning of the year, I didn’t think certain things were possible. But as I tried to accomplish them, I was shocked that more and more things kept happening that I had dreamed of for so long but didn’t know I would achieve. If you put in the effort and choose to focus on the bright side, you are in control of your own happiness. This is our year, so let’s have an awesome time and seize every moment.

Cheers to 2016! :)

xx Hailey


Skirt: H&M

Shirt: H&M Ribbed Turtleneck Top

Shoes: Gianni Bini Gemma Caged Dress Sandals

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Header image credit to Kat Spencer